GP Maternity Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 4

When:  Nov 2, 2024 from 08:00 to 13:00 (AEST)
This course is an additional optional education program for GPs who have already completed GP Maternity Shared Care Alignment - Seminar 1. It is one way to meet the realignment requirement for (minimum) six hours CPD relevant to women's health every three years.
The focus is on providing quality maternity shared care in the general practice setting, with up-to-date best practice information provided by Mater Mothers' staff specialists.
Topics include: 
  • Pregnancy loss and bereavement
  • Physical and psychological birth trauma and trauma-informed care
  • Neonatal examination
  • Supporting breastfeeding - common presentations
Prerequisite activity 
GPs are required to complete Alignment 1 before participating in Alignment 2, 3 or 4, however may do 2, 3 or 4 in any order. Alignment needs to be renewed every three years.
The required pre-learning activity will be to listen to two informative podcasts. The link to these podcasts will be provided two weeks prior to the event. 


Corbett Room
Level 1, Whitty Building, Mater South Brisbane
South Brisbane, QLD 4101